The Laymen assist young and adult men of the Church in deepening their knowledge
and understanding of the Christian Faith.

Our Mission

  • A ministry established for our young and adult men who fellowship to study God's Word; to be transformed into His workmanship to do His will according to His purpose. Through study and understanding, we mature and grow in grace.
  • We worship Him in truth and spirit through Jesus Christ our Lord. God becomes the purpose and object of our personal and family lives.
  • We are committed to evangelizing the gospel of Jesus Christ to our neighbors and leading non-Christians to accept Him as their Savior.


Bro. Dewayne Hogan President
Bro. Kinard Moffatt Vice President
Bro. Charles Batts Secretary
Bro. Maurice Black Treasurer

"Iron sharpeneth iron; So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" Prov. 27:17 (ASV)


Boys and Mens Retreat 2019