Ruth Circle

The ladies of the Ruth Circle are a small group of women. They meet twice monthly on the first and third of every Tuesday at 11 a.m. in classroom 4. They participate in mission activities at the church including: organizing a General Mission Breakfast, presentation and display during Black History month, donate shoes and others. They also assist with the Health Fair orgnanized through the church. The Ruth Circle ladies enjoy a once annual outing. Come join them.

Sis Sybil Johnson Chairperson
Sis Josephine Allen Vice Chairperson
Sis Cynthia Khrone Secretary
Sis Elizabeth Kennedy Corresponding Secretary
Sis Rosetta Tillman-Cunningham Treasurer
Mother Leola Haynes Teacher

Proverbs 18:24 ". . . there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
