Drama Ministry

The Drama Ministry of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church presents original creations of skits and plays written by Sister Nichols and the Drama Team. They welcome all ages of those interested in spreading God's Word through drama. They have also featured guest artists for some of their productions. The Drama Ministry performs on given holidays and celebrations at the church including: Black History, Easter, Christmas and the annual church picnic to name a few. They have also shared their gifts with those in Convalescent and Nursing Homes.

The Drama Ministry meets the fourth Sunday of every month after the 10 a.m. service in classroom 6. They meet weekly prior to given performances. If you can act, sing, write and are available to work on backdrop props, they welcome you to come join them as they spread God's Word through drama. 


Sis Vicki Lee-Nichols Director
Sis Madeline Farlow Assistant Director
Sis Betty Miles Secretary
Bro Charles Miles Treasurer
Deaconess Edna Wade Assistant Treasurer

~Romans 12:6-8 "We have different gifts . . . let him do it cheerfully. . . . " (NIV)