Male Chorus

The New Hope Missionary Baptist Male Chorus is made up of male vocals
willing to serve the Lord in song directed by Deaconess Charlene Tisdale.
The melodic mixture of deep vocals
enlighten their listeners with several genres of music including:
Gospel, Traditional Black Gospel, Urban Contemporary Gospel
and Southern Gospel. Some of their favorite songs are:
Still Here, God is My Everything, Right Now Lord
and We Come to Praise the Lord.
The Male Chorus members share in song that
"God is my joy in sorrow, my hope for tomorrow,
my rock in a weary land, my shelter in the time of storm.
God is my everything." 

The Male Chorus practice on Tuesday at 7p.m.
Come join us if you enjoy praising the Lord in song.

* Ps 150: 1-6  "Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary . . . Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord." (KJV)

Bro Robert Daniels President
Bro Michael Johnson Vice President
Bro Richard Hearn Secretary
Bro Maurice Black Treasurer
Deaconess Charlene Tisdale Director